Oryginalne zapachy, wzbogacone naturalnymi składnikami, rozluźniają mięśnie i odżywiają skórę. Stwórz domowy onsen już dziś naszymi Japońskimi solami do kąpieli
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Bathclin Forest Aroma Bath Salt - Revitalize and Refresh, Mineral-Rich Formula with Forest Aroma for All Skin Types 600g [No Alcohol]
Onso Chomei no Yu - Alkaline Bath Salt with Hinoki Aroma for Relaxation and Skin Nourishment 600g [No Alcohol]
Onso Hakka no Yu - Sulfur Scented Milky White Bath Salt with Alkaline Onsen Minerals for Soothing Baths 600g [No Alcohol]
Yakusouyu Tree of Life Medicinal Herbal Bath Soak - Herbal Bath Additive with Cnidium Root and Angelica Extracts for Fatigue Relief and Rejuvenation 23.5g × 7 Packs [No Alcohol]
Yakusouyu Tree of Life Medicinal Herbal Bath Soak - Herbal Bath Salt with Cnidium Root and Angelica Extracts for Fatigue Relief and Rejuvenation 23.5g × 7 Packs [No Alcohol]
Yakusouyu Medicinal Herbal Bath - Therapeutic Bath Salt with Cnidium and Angelica Root Extracts for Shoulder and Lower Back Relief 25g x 7 Packs [No Alcohol]
Hyakuyakutou Medicinal Bath Salt - Herbal Blend with Sodium Bicarbonate for Relaxation and Muscle Relief 30g x 3 Packs [No Alcohol]
SUMMER HIT! NIGORI TANSAN YU 12 pieces - Cooling bath salts; mint, summer tangerines, clematis, young leaves [With alcohol]