Japanese textbook for beginners (Nihongo Fun and Easy) with CD
A guide created for everyone who starts learning Japanese on their own. It explains basic grammar rules and vocabulary in an accessible and simple way. It is aimed at people who want to learn the basics in a short time to be able to converse freely in Japanese. The book comes with a CD that will help you learn the correct pronunciation, intonation, etc.
The textbook focuses on the development of listening, understanding and speaking skills.
Number of pages: 204
ISBN: 978-4-87217- 721-3
Table of contents:
Unit 1 I am John.
- Introducing yourself 自己紹介
UNIT 2 Is there an ATM around here?
- Asking for directions 場所を尋ねる
Unit 3 How much is this?
- Shopping 買い物
UNIT4 Take out, please.
- Convenience stores and restaurants コンビニ・レストラン
Unit 5 Can I pay by credit card?
- Asking permission 許可を得る
Unit 6 Please wait a moment
- Making requests 依頼する
Unit 7 Does this (train) go to Yokohama?
- Transportation 交通
Unit 8 I'm going to an art museum.
- Talking about plans and activities 予定や行動について話す
Unit 9 How do you like living in Japan?
- Talking about impressions 感想を言う
Unit 10 What does that taste like?
- Eating 食事
Unit 11 It's nice weather today, isn't it?
- Socializing 1 - Making small talk 世間話をする
UNIT 12 Would you like to have a cup of tea?
- Socializing 2 - Invitations 誘う